Brighton Film festival Director Tim Brown

portrait of brighton film festival Cinicity director Tim Brown Tim Brown runs Cinicity, Brighton's film festival which runs as a partnership with Brighton University and The Duke of Yorks cinema,

What I like about this portrait is the fact that it is so simple.

I shot it at the Duke of Yorks new cinema at the Komedia in the north lanes in Brighton...I say new, its new to me, but has probably been open for ages. Anyway, back to the portrait. My initial idea was to do a full length shot of Tim in front of the red curtain and black and white checked flooring there as that reminded me of Twin Peaks. However as usual it always takes a short time to 'work a portrait'. I never think that your initial idea is the best. It's a great starting point, but it always takes a little while of shooting someone to work out what is their best angle, how much of them to have in the portrait, where to position them in the frame, what to include or not in the background etc. In this case, less was more and all it needed was the sign pointing to the screens and slightly more than a head and shoulders shot of Tim. I love the face that Tim is facing away from the arrow as it just adds that bit of intrigue for me.